标题: 求助,请问悟怎么重新升级,谢谢 [打印本页] 作者: 1157840@qq.com 时间: 2015-3-4 标题: 求助,请问悟怎么重新升级,谢谢 昨天升级悟,进度条一直显示为0%,后因着急就强行关机,但连遥控器后,显示需要升级遥控器,又按照官方给的方法升级了遥控器,升级成功后连接成功,显示一切正常,但是晚上试飞就不稳定,不停漂移,悬停也乱串,甚是郁闷,最终不敢飞。请问夏清妹子,怎么激活重新升级?谢谢,急在线等待。 作者: thirdmed 时间: 2015-3-4
听声音可以知道是否升级成功,看TF卡上的log文件也可以作者: 光头开飞机 时间: 2015-3-4
我升级后也没敢飞作者: 1157840@qq.com 时间: 2015-3-4
<div class="quote"><blockquote><font size="2"><a class="nopicture" rel="noopener" href="https://bbs.dji.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=55304&ptid=5052" target="_blank"><font color="#999999">thirdmed 发表于 2015-3-4 10:15</font></a></font>
========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 unsynchronized ======
Packet: WM610_FW_V01.02.00.17.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.
========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 unsynchronized ======
Packet: WM610_FW_V01.02.00.17.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.
========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 unsynchronized ======
Packet: WM610_FW_V01.02.00.17.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.