
【DJI开发者大赛】Power Line Inspector - Team UT-Dronefly

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We are the team "UT-Dronefly" from the University of Texas at Dallas and Penn State University.
Our app "Automated Power Line Inspector" provides the real-time tracking and inspection for power line, road, railway, etc.
In the on site demo at san francisco Augues 27, our image processing speed is 10 frames/second, and the maximum cruising speed is about 20 miles/hour.

Power Line tracking

Road Tracking

System Design and Procedure

Our system can be simplified into three parts- camera capture, power line detection and flight control. To accomplish the line detection, the image is processed by noising filtering, short line detection and line clustering.  After the line detection, power line will be recognized by its own features, like parallel, reasonable length etc. According to these features, we capture the most possible power lines from the existing hundreds of lines. The procedure is shown in the figures in the following.

APP GUI (This is iphone version GUI)

In order to show more details, we reduce the speed of the road tracking video. The actual flight speed is a little faster.
And according to the law in California, we cannot demo the power line detection; the demo is about the road detection.

On site Demo video (Our algorithm works in very noisy enviroment)
Auguest 27, Sunnyvale Baylands Park,  Sunnyvale, CA
You can find the earlier version video during in our developmen

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13230512345   2015-9-14 3#
237934755   2015-12-20 4#
hi,guys,U had done a really amazing job,you know.I am doing the same work now and i am stuck.Could you please tell me the place where you get the video stream?I had written a "face detection" program in c,and didn't know how to connect these two things together.i mean,my program acquire the video stream from my laptop's camera,but what about the drone?its images is transmitted by wireless.In the FPVDemo,there is a "view" class. is the "view" the thing i am looking for? i get the view,then divide it into single frap,then process?
merci beaucoup!
ZiF_YEE  Osmo+认证用户 2016-2-24 5#
lost picture~
海忍者   2017-9-30 6#
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