M300 OSDK 连接失败
各位大佬好!我用jetson连接M300 OSDK遇到了如下连接问题,已尝试网上所有解决方案但均失败,后来尝试调试DJI Assitant 2 并 enable API control 仍无果,有没有人遇到过相同的问题并解决的?感谢!!!
[3899938.960]ERRORLOG/1 @ initVehicle, L222: Failed to initialize ACM Linker channel!
[3899940.322]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
[3899940.323]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
Possible reasons:
Serial port connection:
* SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
* Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
* TX and RX pins are invert
[3:37 PM]