

手机看帖 17 859
Entry Permit/Working Permit Expiration Date*:帕劳的免签是30天,所以我按计划入境的9月1号推算30天,填的到 9月30日
Company Name*:由于是个人飞行,我直接填的 personal
Other Designee or Operator to fly the Drone Full Name*:只有我自己飞,所以我填的自己
Where you Plan to fly the Drone in Palau? Please allow at least 3 days for this permit to be processed*:这里开始提示至少提前3天申请,由于还没去我也不知道实际会在哪里飞,所以写了个活话---在和机场、飞机、人群、建筑等保持安全距离的区域飞行,比如在海边拍摄日落
When you Plan to fly the Drone? (Time/s and Date/s). Please allow at least 3 days for this permit to be processed*:去了自然是啥时候飞都有可能,所以我也是写了活话:9月1号到6号的日出到日落之间
Purpose of Flying*:我参考uom的,写的个人娱乐
试了提交几次,好歹终于提交成功了,我本以为会有个啥申请编号一类的可以查,结果只有一句提示说 收到申请了,我们会尽快和你联系,然后就没了,我心想不会就这么没后话了吧?
This SUAS/Drone Operations is granted subject to the following conditions:
 The SUAS/Drone Operator shall release and discharge the Government of the Republic of Palau, its officers and employees, of any liability that may arise from operations of the Drone, its equipment or parts, and for any personnel injury or death or any damage to the Drone operating in Palau's AOR.
 Fly no higher than 400 feet and remain below any surrounding obstacles when possible.
 Keep your Drone in eyesight at all times, and use an observer to assist if needed.
 Do not intentionally fly over unprotected persons or moving vehicles, and remain at least 25 feet away from individuals and vulnerable properties.
 Do not fly while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
 Ensure the operating environment is safe and that the operator is competent and proficient in the operation of the Drone.
 SUAS operator, if necessary, obtain permit and/or authorization from any of the Republic of Palau’s 16 States for Drone operations in their vicinity.
 Do NOT fly/operate drone near or around Palau International Airport of 5 miles radius, Bureau of Public Safety (Police Station), Palau National Hospital, President Office in Meyuns and other areas designated by PNAA as NO-FLY ZONE (time to time PNAA will issue No-Fly Zone per request, please call 587-4363 for information.)
 No person may operate a SUAS/Drone from a moving aircraft or from a moving land or water borne vehicle unless the SUAS/Drone aircraft is flown over a sparsely populated area and is not transporting another person or person’s property for compensation hire.
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无人机观察王者  Osmo Mobile 3认证用户 2024-8-28 2#
Alazas Donkey  DJI Mavic 3 Pro认证用户 2024-8-29 3#
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瑶总来了   2024-8-29 5#
小蓝君  Mavic 3 Pro 大师套装认证用户 2024-8-29 6#
风吹哪页读哪页   2024-8-29 7#
首席御3炸机员   2024-8-29 9#
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Titanium  DJI Air 3认证用户 2024-9-6 15#
肥牛在康复   拓疆者 2024-11-28 17#
好攻略!收下了 帕劳听说水下打鱼很好玩 有水下的弓弩枪
楼主   拓疆者 2024-11-28 18#
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