X5 RAW 的惊艳瞬间!(原片观赏下载)
精华 1
一段inspire 1 raw的国外视频,表示惊艳~
“The West in Winter” by Ian Cresswell
The West in Winter
以下只是 1080P的效果展示
I would like to share with you a bit about my experience with the X5R. DJI was gracious enough to allow me access to an X5R, and I embarked on a 2 week roadtrip around the western United States to test it out. We logged 7300 miles, an average of 8 hours driving every day, and traveled to some of my favorite landscapes in the US to put the X5R through its paces. For those of you who are interested in specifics and details, I'll try to provide a bit more in posts that will follow below. But the most important thing I can show you is, of course, image quality. So, here are a number of different links for you:
The first link below is a Vimeo link to the final edited piece "The West in Winter". It is shot entirely using the DJI X5R using the Zuiko 12mm, 17mm, 25mm, and 45mm. It was uploaded in 4k at 100mbps H.264 with a 2-pass encode at max render quality from Adobe Premiere.[B] I have made the file available to download on Vimeo[/B]. [I]Please ensure that you're logged into Vimeo in order for the download option to appear[/I]. Although compressed to H.264, this 2-pass encode at 100mbps should still show a good approximation of the quality of the X5R footage. There are a couple of scenes that display a bit of H.264 compression that is [B]not found in the original source RAWs[/B]. And a couple of scenes where I didn't fully nail focus (user error). Other than that, I hope this upload, with its variety of locations, lighting, and environments, will allow you to get a good sense of the image quality that the X5R is capable of:
译:第一个链接分享在Vimeo,来自于编辑完成的影片“The West in Winter”。它是完全使用DJI X5R搭配Zuiko 12mm, 17mm, 25mm和45mm镜头拍摄的,使用Adobe Premiere以最高渲染质量压制为拥有4k解析度和100mbps码率的H.264码流。这段影片现在可以在Vimeo下载,如果找不到下载选项请先登录。即使是使用H.264 2-pass 编码到100mbps码率,从影片中仍然能很好的感受到X5R拍摄的画质。有一些场景能看出H.264压缩的痕迹,而这些并不曾出现在Raw原画中。还有一些场景并没有很好的对焦(我的错误)。除此之外,我想这个片段在各种地理,光照以及环境中的表现,会让你对X5R能达到的画质有一个很好的了解。
Now, please carefully note the next two links. These are ALSO Vimeo and YouTube links to "The West in Winter". HOWEVER, for this particular render, the LEFT half of the frame shows the original footage WITHOUT any color correction. The RIGHT half of the frame shows the footage WITH a color grade pass. This is so that you can see an example of pre/post graded footage. The links are as follows:
译:请注意下面两个链接。他们也来自“The West in Winter”。左半部分是没有任何颜色校正的原片,有半部分是经过校正的。这是一个颜色校正前后比较的例子。下面是链接
Yet another way I'm going to try to make this footage available is via direct-download from my personal server. [B]Please use this option LAST[/B]. Please first try to download from Vimeo, because I'm not sure how long my server will be able to allow downloads for this footage since each link is a 3.5GB file.
译:我另外还在我的server上提供了这些片段的下载。由于这些文件体积很大, 我不能保证这些下载一直有效,所以请优先使用Vimeo。
I wanted to first and foremost make this footage available for people to hopefully get an idea of the X5R's level of quality. In the following posts below, I will try to go into some more specifics about using the X5R, how well it performed on the Inspire 1, and what it was like to transcode, edit, and export the footage.
译:我想第一时间让大家看到X5R的画质究竟达到什么水准。接下来,我会详述X5R使用的各个方面,例如它在Inspire 1上表现如何,转码,编辑导出等等。
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