
求助 夏姐姐!

手机看帖 5 1519
我的精灵3是5月12日到手的,我按照升级流程也升级了,飞了好几次,今天看到 Phantom 3 Professional 固件升级包 v1.1.9 我看了以下我的手机app的版本还是1.1.1 这是咋回事?没有升级吗?如火没有升级 从1.1.1能直接升到1.1.9吗?谢谢~

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Sherlock  Phantom 3 Professional认证用户 2015-5-22 3#
楼主  Osmo认证用户 2015-5-22 4#

========== 2015.05.12 16:33:27 =====================
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.01.0008.bin
Upgrading ...
Result: Success.

========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 unsynchronized ======
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.01.0008.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

========== 2015.05.12 17:09:45 =====================
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.01.0008.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

========== 2015.05.12 17:11:51 =====================
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.01.0008.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

========== 2015.05.12 17:31:08 =====================
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.01.0008.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

========== 2015.05.15 11:58:42 =====================
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.01.0008.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

========== 2015.05.15 12:01:25 =====================
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.01.0008.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

========== 2015.05.16 18:53:15 =====================
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.01.0008.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.
楼主  Osmo认证用户 2015-5-22 5#
app的版本和内存卡里的版本不一致?app是1.1.1 内存卡的飞行记录是1.1.8 哪个是正确的?还是说飞机升级了?遥控没升级 还是1.1.1就是app的版本?晕哦
楼主  Osmo认证用户 2015-5-22 6#
Sherlock 发表于 2015-5-22 17:41

秋香  管理员 2015-5-22 7#
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