
Autopilot Beta Test Update 自动驾驶 求翻译!

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Autopilot Beta Test Update
First, we would like to thank you for signing up for the Autopilot beta test. There has been an overwhelming amount of interest in Autopilot v2.0, and we are as eager as you are to get things rolling. While we wait for Apple and DJI to work things out (more on the delay below), we would love to get your feedback on what excites you about Autopilot and where it is heading.
On the issue of the delay, many of you know that we have been posting updates to several places, including the DJIForum and the Inspire PilotsForum, but we also wanted to send out an email in case you haven't been following the forum updates.

In short, the Phantom 3 and Inspire 1 both require that the RC be connected directly to your iPhone or iPad via the lightning connector. Apple requires all third-party vendors that use such a hardware accessory to register with their MFi program, and we have been caught up in this process for several weeks. The vendor that makes the third-party hardware accessory (DJI) must complete several steps to add us as an approved developer under their MFi program license, and they assure us that they are working to resolve this as soon as possible.

Once approved, we will then need to submit the beta build for TestFlight approval by Apple, which usually takes no more than 48 hours. After we receive TestFlight approval from Apple, we will send another email announcing the start of the beta with instructions on how to download the latest build and start testing.

In the meantime, if you have not already carefully read Flight School, we strongly recommend that you do so now as there is a lot of content to digest.

One final note on the process: due to the overwhelming interest in our beta test, we are going to require that you download the beta version within 48hrs of receiving your installation instructions email. Anyone that does not download the beta within that time period may be bumped to the waiting list to make room for other testers.

Thank you for your patience,
The Autoflight Logic Team

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总之,幻影3和启发1都要求对RC可以通过雷电接口直接连接到你的iPhone或iPad。苹果公司要求所有使用这样的五金配件与MFI程序中注册第三方供应商,我们已经赶上了在这个过程中几个星期。 ,使第三方硬件配件的供应商(DJI)必须完成几个步骤来添加我们,在他们​​的MFI程序的许可证批准的开发商,他们向我们保证,他们正在努力尽快解决这个问题。




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