
御3 gps只需要遥控器固件降级即可解决定位慢

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1. 将 AC 和 RC 降级到以前的固件,即 .400
2. 打开 AC 然后 RC 并连接手机并在 iPhone 3 中打开移动数据
。 无人机连接到家乡点并在 2 分钟内锁定 11 个卫星(GPS 信号条变白)
4. 关闭无人机并取出电池 2 小时(观看电影)
5. 再次打开无人机然后 RC 并连接 iPhone,但我关闭了手机的移动数据 - 将其置于飞行模式 - 无人机连接到 11 个卫星 - 变为白色并在 2 分钟内再次记录回家点
6. 将 RC 升级到 .500并将无人机留在 .400 固件上 - 这次全卫星锁定需要 3 分钟来记录回家点。再次锁定 11 个卫星,将 GPS 条变为白色
7. 将无人机升级到 .500(最新固件)并将 RC 降级到以前的固件 0.400,无人机在关闭 2 小时后在 53 秒内锁定了 11 个卫星 - 冷启动
8。将无人机和 RC 升级到最新固件 .500 并打开无人机,然后在手机上启用移动数据的 RC 和无人机花费 6 分 36 秒锁定 12 个卫星并记录回家点。

最新固件上的 RC 怎么可能导致无人机需要更长的时间来注册 sats。当无人机和 RC 使用之前的固件(0.400)时,无人机只需要 11 个卫星来注册归航点,但在最新固件上需要 12 个卫星来注册。关于移动数据和使用手机 A-GPS 的故事已在此处揭穿,但 RC 固件中的某些问题与锁定卫星无关。我可以 100% 确定的一件事是,当我将无人机和 RC 降级到以前的版本时,我还设法再次从 AirSense 获得警报。这毫无疑问地证明了最新的固件虽然给了我们所有缺失的功能,但对我们中的大多数人来说,如果不是 GPS 和 AirSense 的话,也会造成重大问题。
I have posted above what I had started testing but below is a small recap:
1. Downgraded Ac and RC to previous firmware which is .400
2. Powered on Ac then RC and connected phone with mobile data turned on in the iPhone
3. Drone connected to home point and locked 11 sats (which gps signal bar turned white) in under 2 minutes
4. Turned drone off and removed battery for 2 hours ( watched movies)
5. Turned on drone again then RC and connected iPhone but I turned off the phone mobiles data - Put it into Flight mode- drone connected to 11 sats-turned white and recorded home point in under 2 minutes again
6. upgraded RC to .500 and left drone on .400 firmware- Full sat lock took 3 minutes this time to record the home point. Locked 11 sats again which turned GPS bar to white
7. upgraded drone to .500 (latest firmware) and downgraded RC to previous firmware .400 and drone locked full 11 sats in 53 seconds after being turned off for 2 hours - cold start
8. upgrade both drone and RC to latest firmware .500 and turned on drone then RC with Mobile data on phone enabled and drone took 6 minutes and 36 seconds to locks 12 sats and record home point.
9. Downgraded RC again, left drone on latest firmware and tried after an hour and the drone locked full sats in 1 minute and 30 seconds.

How is this possible that the RC when on the latest firmware causes the drone to take longer to register sats. When the drone and RC is on the previous firmware which is .400 the drone only needs 11 sats to register the home point but on the latest firmware needs 12 sats to register. The story about mobile data and using the phones A-GPS has been debunked here but something is not right in the firmware for the RC which should have nothing to do with locking in satellites. One thing I can be 100% sure of is that when I downgraded both the drone and RC to the previous versions I also managed to get alerts again from AirSense. This proves beyond a shadow o doubt that the newest firmware, although gave us all the missing features caused major issues for some, if not the majority of us with GPS and AirSense. I hereby urge Dji to hurry up and produce an update that will gives AirSense back and working GPS times with all the features that we paid for.
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