2018年末 我決定獨自到澳洲一個月 探望移民的表弟 一起經歷了一場2316公里的公路旅行 途經樹林 大海 沙漠。
但對於我表弟 他兩年前突然決定移民澳洲 踏入一個未知嘅領域 開始了一場一輩子的旅程。
有人說 當你勇敢地踏出自己的舒適圈 沿途遇上的事雖然無法估計 但一定會有所得着 令自己成長 到最後才會找到自己想要的東西。
2316km, 1 month, a life time.
At the end of 2018, I went to Australia alone to visit my brother. This once-in-a-blue-moon adventure has engraved an indelible memory to my life. This remarkable trip has spent me only a month, however it's a life-time journey to my brother, since his adamant decision to Australia.
Every cloud has a silver lining. Please don't be hideous when you're about to step into the darkness. As when you found something solid to stand upon, you will see the light of hope is shining from the dawn.