已累计飞行 357824 米

25 条评论


已累计飞行 357824 米

问题 已经解决,通过官网在线技术指导,重新刷前一个版本固件之后再刷最新版固件 画面恢复。



已累计飞行 131755 米




已累计飞行 357824 米

已经解决了夏清姐,我在官网上找的long 重新刷了固件,就是那个乱叫的声音 long怀疑是电机的问题,我是我感觉应该是固件问题,因为之前的 四声嘀都叫的没问题,唯独 升级完成的 嘀,嘀嘀 叫不出来



已累计飞行 131755 米




已累计飞行 357824 米

您 可以接收视频文件吗,我把那种叫声录下来了



已累计飞行 131755 米




已累计飞行 357824 米

朋友让我把最新固件放里面开机试试,我试试他居然会嘀-嘀-嘀-嘀的更新,但是叫一会就开始乱叫,关了之后查看那个文本里面是这样的 Result: Success. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Upgrading ... Result: Success. ========== 2015.08.12 12:56:13 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Upgrading ... Result: Success. ========== 2015.08.12 14:02:59 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.08.12 14:17:35 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.08.12 14:35:19 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.08.12 15:28:00 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.08.12 15:30:20 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.08.12 16:50:08 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.08.12 16:51:26 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.08.12 16:52:31 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.08.12 18:10:24 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.08.12 18:14:38 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.08.12 18:16:06 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Upgrading ... Result: Success. ========== 2015.09.10 17:03:31 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Upgrading ... Result: Success. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Upgrading ... Result: Success. ========== 2015.09.11 17:18:32 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.09.11 17:20:13 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.09.11 17:59:55 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.09.11 18:06:40 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.09.12 16:02:56 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.09.12 16:04:29 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.09.12 18:19:03 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.09.12 18:20:24 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.09.12 18:41:51 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.09.12 18:43:23 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2015.09.12 18:44:55 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Failed. Reboot the aircraft and try to upgrade the firmware again. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Failed. Reboot the aircraft and try to upgrade the firmware again. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:04 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.05.00.30.bin Upgrading ... Result: Success. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:05 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.05.00.30.bin Upgrading ... Result: Success. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:06 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.05.00.30.bin Upgrading ... Result: Success. ========== 2015.12.17 17:31:22 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.05.00.30.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:06 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin Upgrading ... Result: Success. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:06 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the device. ========== 2016.09.20 18:52:26 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the device. ========== 2016.09.20 18:53:58 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:06 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin Upgrading ... Result: Success. ========== 2016.09.20 18:56:02 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the device. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:06 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin Upgrading ... Result: Success. ========== 2016.09.20 19:58:39 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the device. ========== 2016.09.24 08:06:51 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the device. ========== 2016.09.24 08:08:21 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin Result: Failed. Reboot the aircraft and try to upgrade the firmware again. ========== 2016.09.24 08:09:24 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the device. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:06 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.09.01.30.bin Upgrading ... Result: Success. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:06 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.09.01.30.bin Result: Abort. The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the device. ========== 2016.10.17 13:38:21 ===================== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin Upgrading ... Result: Failed. Reboot the aircraft and try to upgrade the firmware again. ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:05 remo-con disconnect====== Packet: WM610_FW_V01.09.01.30.bin Upgrading ... Result: Failed. Reboot the aircraft and try to upgrade the firmware again.



已累计飞行 357824 米

本帖最后由 363654413 于 2016-10-17 12:43 编辑 本帖最后由 363654413 于 2016-10-17 12:40 编辑 本帖最后由 363654413 于 2016-10-17 12:39 编辑 本帖最后由 363654413 于 2016-10-17 12:34 编辑 这是昨天下午在飞的地方连不上截的图。 我不是在飞的时候黑屏,而是装好之后就一直是黑的 画面有时候把云台拆下来重新装一下就好,有时候怎么重装都不行。(不管有没有画面,相机操作都正常) 您是自动模式还是手动模式呢? P-GPS模式 您用的是什么手机呢? 华为荣耀7 B380系统 飞行器版本、app版本分别是多少? 都是最新版 还有,遥控器亮的是什么灯呢? 遥控器上为绿灯 下面的图是刚刚截的图在家里截的图



已累计飞行 131755 米




已累计飞行 131755 米


